Saturday 25 June 2016


A yammacin ranar Laraban data gabatane (Wednesday 23rd June 2016) Babban Jagoran Alkhairi Alh Dr. Umaru Kwairanga (Sarkin Fulanin Gombe) tareda Hamshakin dan kasuwannan Alh Aliko Dangote dadai sauran masana hannun Jarin Kasarnan suka gabatar da taron shekara shekara Annual General Meeting (AGM) a na Hukumar Hannun Jari na kasa (Nigeria Stock Exchange NSE) taron yagabata a Garin Ikko babban birnin Jihar Lagos kuma taron yagabata cikin Kwanciyar Hankali, wanda baya kammala taronne Mai Gidanmu Jagoran Alkhairi Alh Dr. UMARU KWAIRANGA Sarkin Fulanin Gombe ya wuce Kasar Dubai UAE a ranar Alhamis wanda munasa ran Insha ALLAH ranar Litinin zai wuce Kasar Saudi Arabia domin gabatar da aikin Umrah na goman karshe.

Muna Addu'a ALLAH yasanyawa Rayuwar Sarkin Fulanin GOMBE da Iyalanshi Albarka yashiga Lamuranshi Duniya da Lahira, ALLAH yakarbi Ibadunmu yasa muna daga cikin entattun Bayi yasa rahamar dake cikin wannan wata mai Albarka muna daga ciki.

Friday 10 June 2016




I feel deeply honored as I stand here today to accept this award of a doctorate degree by Nigeria's premier private University, Igbinedion University, Okada. I also feel a deep sense of humility to be counted in the same roll of honour as my distinguished fellow honorees, Alh Sen. (Dr.) Bala Muhammed (Kauran Bauchi), and previous recipients of similar honours from your University including former President Alh Shebu Shagari, Gen. Abdulsalami Abubakar, the Late President Nelson Mandela of South Africa, Most Hon. P. J. Patterson of Jamaica, His Excellency Mr. John Kuffor of Ghana, His Eminence Sultan Alh Sa'ad Abubakar, Hon Justice Alfa Belgore, Hajia Turai Yar' Adua, Mrs Victoria Gowon, Malam Isa Yuguda, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu and Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala to mention but a few. It is a truly distinguished corpus of honorary alumni and I thank you for counting me worthy of such of a great honour.

I have received various awards over the year but this particular one is special to me because it is my first award of an honorary doctorate. It is also special because of the pedigree of the institution that is awarding the honour and the personality of the proprietor, Honourable Chancellor and Chairman, Board of Regents, His Excellency Chief Sir Gabriel Osawaru Igbinedion, the Esama of Benin Kingdom. Chief Sir Gabriel Igbinedion, the Esama of Benin, is a true giant of our time given his achievements in business, entrepreneurship, philanthropy and services to humanity, he is an inspiration to all of us here and so many others across the world. I am pleased to see that he has imbued his spirit of achievement and excellence into this University. I am impressed with the achievements of Igbinedion University Okada which has in just fifteen years produced outstanding graduates in disciplines such as medicine, law, accounting, engineering, computer science, banking and finance and economics. Your university has consistently maintained the highest standards in academics, research and Innovations and the graduates of your institution that I have come across in the course of my work have been worthy testaments of your excellence. I see this honorary doctorate degree as a call on me to represent Igbinedion University well strive for excellence in all that I do and at all times. I promise not to let the University down.

One other trait of Esama of Benin which I must Mention is the fact that he is a consummate bridge builder. Chief (Sir) Gabriel Igbinedion is noted for having a global network of friends and associates. I believe at this trying time in our history, bridge building is an attribute that we all need to cultivate. Too often, human beings allow rivers to divide them, rivers of religion, rivers of tribe, rivers of class, rivers of colour, etc. We too often stand distant from one another, distrustful and misunderstanding one another because we fail to build bridges that will enable us see others view points and understand ourselves.

I have tried to live my life as a bridge builder by striving to get close to all and sundry with a view to understanding, knowing and living in harmony with my fellow man, be he Fulani, Yeroba, Igbo, Hausa or Benin and I have been the better for that. Bridge building is a task that I wish to recommend to all of you here present especially to the current state of graduates as they go out into the world. This is more so in view of the unfortunate crisis that is bedeviling our country. You should always consider yourself first as a Nigerian and be proud of that fact and consider your fellow brothers and sisters as Nigerians irrespective of their religious, tribal or regional colourations. The university has found you worthy both academically and morally as such is awarding you this great honour which so many are clamouring for. You should honour this great Award by going out of your way to assist all Nigerians in whatever way possible. In my own little way I am instituting a yearly award for best performing business student with the hope that this will further stimulate excellence in this great University.

In conclusion, I wish to thank all those who have contributed in various ways to making me the man that stands here today, a proud recipient of this honour. I thank my family, especially my dear wife Mami and our Children. I thank my life Chairman (Alh) Dr. U. A. Mutallab CON, Amb. Shehu Malami (Sarkin Sudan) and Dr. Nuruddeen A. Liman ex-Dean College of Business and Management Studies, Igbinedion University Okada, who has consistently provided me with support and encouragement. I also thank my colleagues and staff in companies and organizations such as Lafarge Africa Plc, the Nigerian Stock Exchange, Finmal Financial Services Limited, Central Securities Cleaning System Plc, Jaiz Bank Plc, and so on. I appreciate all my friends who come here today to share this honour with me. I thank Igbinedion University's governing council, Senate and Management for finding me worthy of this honour.

Thank you so much.

May ALLAH reward you all

Monday 6 June 2016



Hausawa sunce Alkhairi gadon bacci duba da irin yanda Kasa take ciki da halin da Al Umma keciki kuma ga watan Azumi na Ramadan wata mai Albarka Wanda Addinin Muaulunci yakoyarda cewa masu hali su ciyar daga Dukiyarsu da ALLAH yabasu hakan yasa Adalin Jagora Mai Girma Alh Dr. Umaru Kwairanga (Sarkin Fulanin Gombe) yaware Miliyoyin Kudi domin a sayi kayan Abinci da kayan Masarufi domin samar da sassauci da rage radadi,

Hakazalika ya fitar da zakka kuma yabayar a raba  ga Mabukata a fadin Jiharnan, Bamuda abinda zamuce saide muce ALLAH yasama Dukiyarshi Albarka domin hakika wannan tallafi yatare abu dayawa muna kira da Babban Murya dacewa masu hanu da shuni suyi koyi da halin kirki irin halayen
Alh Dr. UMARU KWAIRANGA Sarkin Fulanin Gombe muna Addu'a ALLAH yakarama Rayuwarshi Albarka, ya Albarkaci Zuriyarshi, Dukiyarshi da Kasuwancinsa Ameen

Wednesday 1 June 2016


Alhamdulillah, successful Jaiz Bank AGM at YarAdua Centre Abuja. All resolutions overwhelmingly Passed by Shareholders including Re Election of Directors. Alh Dr. Umaru Kwairanga (Sarkin Fulanin Gombe) was Re-Elected for another Term of 4 Years, also majority of the Speakers at the event commended Board of Directors for the successes achieved by the Bank in terms of Deposit, Investment, Profit, National Licence, Share Capital etc.
 Inaddition, shareholders that spoke were specific in commending on Our Hero Alh Dr. UMARU KWAIRANGA Sarkin Fulanin Gombe for the success of the Bank especially on the Rights Offer that he personally handled which was a huge success and also excellent job on the committees I served.
 Lastly, most of the shareholders and other stakeholders at the AGM commended my Profile which was published in the Annual Report circulated at the AGM, which indicated/shows varied experiences and talented ways he is participating/sitting on the Boards of almost all the sectors of our Nigerian Economy and the Network he have in MultiNationals Companies all over the world. Alhamdu Lillah!!! Allah ya kara Girma da Daukaka yamaka Jagora Amin.

Babban Bankin Musuluncin AGM 2015

A jiyane babban Bankin Musulunci na farko a kasarnan wato Ja'iz Bank Plc ya gabatar da taron shekara Dubu Biyu dasha Biyar 2015 wanda Shugaban Bankin Chairman Alh Dr. Umaru Mutallab CON ya Jagoranta, Taron wanda yagabata a Babban Dakin Taro na Shehu Musa YarAdua Centre dake Birnin Tarayya Abuja. wanda a wajen taron masu hannun Jari a Bankin suka bukaci a sake nada sabbin Darabtoci, cikin ikon ALLAH Mai Girma Alh Dr. Umaru Kwairanga (Sarkin Fulanin Gombe) aka kara zabanshi a karo nabiyu domin ya cikin Darabtoci, Hakazalika mafi yawancin wadanda suka sami damar magana a dakin taron sunjinjinawa Darabtocin abisa irin jajircewa da kuma sadaukar dakai dasuke domin ganin Bankin yacigaba kuma da yanayin yanda masu Ajiyar Kudi, Kasuwanci, Riba dakuma samun Lasisi da Bankin yayi daga Babban Bankin Kasa wato Central Bank of Nigeria CBN, da hannun Jari da Bankin yake samu a koyaushe dadai sauransu. yasami halartan manyan Mutane kuma Jagororin Al Umma kamar Shugaban Kungiyar Jamaatu Izalatul Bidi'a Wa'ikamatis Sunnah As Shaikh Abdullahi Bala Lau dadai sauransu,
Buguda kari masu hannayen jarin dasuka sami damar yinbani sunkara Jinjina ta musamman ga Babban Darabta Alh Dr. Umaru Kwairanga (Sarkin Fulanin Gombe) dangane da irin Sadaukar dakai dayake wajen ganin Bankin takaiga Nasara ta fannoni da dama musamman bangaren dayake Jagoranta.

daga karshe, mafi yawancin masu RUWA da tsaki da masu hannun Jari a Bankin sunyi jinjina da fatan Alkhairi ga Alh Dr. UMARU KWAIRANGA Sarkin Fulanin Gombe a wajen taron sabida jin irin tarihinshi da aka bayyana a wajen taron na irin kwarewarshi da gogewa dayayi akan harkan Kasuwanci da tattalin Arzikin Kasa anan dakuma irin alakan dayakeda ita da manya manyan Kamfanoni na kasa Najeriya dama Kasashen Duniya.
muna yima ALLAH Godiya marar adadi,

 ALLAH yamana Jagora
ALLAH yakara Daukaka Umaru Kwairanga
ALLAH yakara Daukaka Ja'iz Bank
ALLAH yakara Daukaka Nyaeriya


ALHAMDULILLAH Da safiyar jiya Juma'at 07-09-2018 Mai Girma Alh Dr. UMARU Kwairanga (Sarkin Fulanin Gombe) tare da Tawagarshi mukaje ...