Thursday 25 May 2017


Alhamdulillah! The hero of the people of Gombe, Alh Dr Umaru Kwairanga (Sarkin Fulanin Gombe) has made another mark as Jaiz Bank plc, the Nigeria’s first full pledged non interest Financial Institution held its first Annual annual General Meeting (AGM) since its official  listing on the floor of the Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE) at Yar’ adua Centre Abuja today. As Director and Chairman Finance and General Purpose Committee (FGPC) of the bank, Kwairanga is central to the success of the bank courtesy of his exceptional efforts at various stages and great contributions to the development of the bank from inception.

Record has it that with Kwairanga’s relentless efforts, Jaiz Bank Plc has become one of the fastest developing Financial Institutions with enormous growth potentials. Today’s AGM had recognised Kwairanga as the great mark maker in the history of the bank who shouldered the responsibility of  moving the bank forward and raced through various hurdles to reach the current level of success and prestige. He was applauded by the board and shareholders alike for what can be described an immortalizing legacy.

Our hero led the bank to the attainment of its first regional operation licence by participating in an International Road show and handling a public offers to raise the required amount needed to obtain the regional Licence. He went to Kuwait in 2012 to engaged one of the best IT veterans to design one of the best Islamic Banking Applications for Jaiz Bank.

Kwairanga’s exceptional efforts secured a national licence for Jaiz Bank Plc in 2015. Many Branches at various strategic locations were opened Nationwide to reach out to various customers, small, medium and large scale business men and women who had been looking for better opportunities.

Our hero initiated and introduced Islamic Insurance (Takaful) as a better alternative to conventional insurance to favour our teeming esteemed customers. For this, Kwairanga was commended by some of the our most influential Religious Clerics in Nigeria Notably Sheikh (Dr) Isa Ali Pantami, a Former Lecturer/Reader in Islamic University of Madinah  and now the Director General of the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), and Sheikh Abdullahi Bala Lau Chairman (Jibwis Nigeria)

Our hero personally packaged and took Jaiz Bank Plc to the floor of the Nigeria Stock Exchange making it a quoted company on the prestigious floor. Conclusively, today’s historic Annual General Meeting was successful with our hero taking the centre stage in the success story so far. It is indeed a pride for every Gombe indigene that our own hero always places himself in a position where he can help our people, institutions and communities by giving his best in everything. May Allah grant our hero ultimate success and make him our Governor in 2019. Allah ya cika mana burin mu. Amin!


A yau 24 - 05 - 2017 Babban Bankin Musulunci na farko a Kasarnan wato Jaiz Bank Plc ta gabatar da Taronta na Shekara Shekara wato (Annual General Meeting AGM) karkashin Jagorancin Shugaban Bankin Dr. Umaru Mutallab domin sanin irin ribar da Bankin yasamu a Shekarar data gabata 2016 da kuma sabbin tsarin da Bankin zaigabatar kuma da muradin Bankin na wannan Shekarar ta 2017, Taron yagudanane a Babban Dakin Taronnan na tunawa da Shehu Musa Yaradua Centre dake cikin Birnin Tarayya Abuja. Daga cikin Jagororin wannan Taron sunhada da Jagoran Alkhairi masanin kan harkar Banki kuma Babban Darabta mai kula da Kudi da Gudanarwa a Bankin wato Alh Dr. Umaru Kwairanga (SFG) wanda shine yakarbi bakuncin Shugaban Ma'aikatar kula da harkokin sarrafa Na'ura mai Kwakwalwa (NITDA) Shaikh Dr. Isa Ali Pantami dadai sauran manyan baki daga ko ina a fadin Kasarnan dama Kasashen waje.

Muna Addu'ar ALLAH yakarawa wannan Banki Albarka ya karamar Daukaka shikuwa Wakilin Al Ummah Jagoran Talakawa Alh Dr. UMARU KWAIRANGA Sarkin Fulanin Gombe ALLAH yashiga lamarinshi yamar Jagoranci yabiyamar dukkan bukatunshi yakaramar Girma da Daukaka.

Thursday 18 May 2017


It has been a successful African Utility Week (Cape Town 2017) with our hero and his company’s joint mission to improve the power sector for a better and fast growing economy in sight. Our hero and his fellow Directors at Kano Electricity Distribution company felt obliged to participate in the the African Utility Week (Energy Revolution Africa) to explore the transitioning energy landscape in Africa, where green innovations and disruptive technologies allow for the quick rollout of integrated microgrid energy solutions. With a focus on sub-10MW project, Energy Revolution Africa will provide a unique platform for solution providers to meet with the new energy purchasers – Metros and Municipalities, IPPs, rural electrification project developers and large power users, including mines, commercial property developers and industrial manufacturers. It is worthy of note that Our hero had for years been participating in global and continental programmes on power sector development where he traversed the World searching for the best solutions that suits our power sector needs. From Istanbul, Turkey in 2014 to Cairo, Egypt in 2015 t0 Glasgow, Scotland in 2016 and now Cape Town, South Africa 2017. A glad tiding for the people of Gombe as per as this conference is concerned is that our hero is working toward ensuring that he incorporates an independent power Company for Gombe with a view to developing the industrial potentials of our dear state. For your information Gombe Electric is among the potential companies listed on the Board of the Participant Companies as pointed by Sarkin Fulani in one of the pictures. We have seen how our youths got employed massively in KEDCO courtesy of our beloved hero, Kwairanga, which no other great personality in Gombe managed to do the equivalent of out of political office. Imagine how many Gombe State indigenes will be employed when our hero incorporates an independent power distribution company in Gombe. Our luck will speak volumes in 2019 when we mandate Kwairanga to take charge of the affairs of our state. It is then that the people of Gombe will realize how lucky are we to have Kwairanga as our proudly own champion are. May Allah continue to bless, guide and Protect our hero and elevate him to the highest possible rank. Allah yacikamana burin mu. Amin!


A yammacin jiya Laraba 17-05-2017 aka kammala Taron Bunkasa Wutar Lantarki na Afrika wanda ya gudana a Garin CapeTown dake Kasar Afrika ta Kudu mai taken (African Utility Week-Energy Revolution Conference 2017) daga cikin mahalartan yahada da Manyan Darabtocin Kamfanin Rarraba Wutar Lantarki na Kano wato Kedco Nigeria Kano Electricity Distribution Company (KEDCO) wanda yahada da Alh Tajudeen Dantata Chairman, Dr Jamilu Gwamna MD/CEO, Alh Dr. Umaru Kwairanga (Sarkin Fulanin Gombe), Engr Moh Zauro, Gen Alwali Kazir, Alh Yusuf Mairago, Alh Sanusi Sule, Alh Sadik Dantata.
Muna Addu'ar kamar yanda ALLAH yakaiku Lafiya ALLAH yadawo mana dasu Gida Lafiya shikuma Jagoran Alkhairi Alh Dr. UMARU KWAIRANGA Sarkin Fulanin Gombe ALLAH yakaramar kwarin Guiwa yamar Jagoranci akan dukkanin abinda yasa agabanshi


ALHAMDULILLAH Da safiyar jiya Juma'at 07-09-2018 Mai Girma Alh Dr. UMARU Kwairanga (Sarkin Fulanin Gombe) tare da Tawagarshi mukaje ...