Tuesday 6 February 2018


   Good afternoon sir, if you eventually become the Governor; what would you like to do better for the citizens, especially the less privileged?
2. What makes you believe you are the right person for the position come 2019?
3. We know you have been holding leadership roles in different capacity; What's leadership to you?
Thanks sir.


    If and when I become Governor of Gombe State, my priority would be empowerment of all citizens of the jewel state. Empowerment in this case would involve creating the right atmosphere for our people to do their work, businesses, professions optimally and prosper. With specific regards to the less privileged, I would ensure that they have access to training to develop their innate skills,financing to put the skills and training to productive use and support from government to ensure that the benefits from such programs and efforts are sustained.
  I believe I am the right person for the position of Governor of Gombe State in 2019 because I have the ability, the passion, the experience and the vision to take our state to the next level. I have been in leadership position in the corporate, professional and traditional worlds for over a decade. In all those positions, I have improved and taken the organizations and institutions to new heights by being strategic in thinking and at the same time deeply involved and passionate about the way they are run. Whether it is Finmal finance services Limited, Ashaka Cement PLC, the Chartered Institute of Stock brokers, and so many other organizations, I have left my mark through having the right vision and strategy and initiating and seeing through practical plans to realize that visionIt, is that same style I promise my fellow citizens of Gombe State as Governor. I have a vision of a well run vibrant state leveraging on the entrepreneurial acumen of its people to stand out like a true jewel of the Savannah. I have the experience, the ability and the passion to make our state better for all its citizens and that is why I seek to be Governor.

To answer your question on leadership, let me borrow the words of Warren Bennis who said.  " Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality ". I think those words succinctly capture the essence of leadership. It is having a vision different from what is the usual, which in Nigerian governance is quite abysmal. Having the vision alone is however not enough. The leader has to be able to translate it into reality by putting together the structures for actualization of the vision and then getting the citizens to believe in that vision and guiding them to achieve it. Showing the way to a better state and making the journey fulfilling and successful is the mark of true leadership.

  In conclusion as a council member of the Nigerian Stock Exchange and Current Council member of the Institute of Directors of Nigeria, I have been involved in policy and strategy formation in both Private and Public sectors through my involvement in the Vision 2020, Presidential Advisory Committee (PAC) on the Nigerian Industrial Revolution Plan (NIRP), President Pension Institute of Nigeria, former Director Gombe State Investment and Property Development, experiences with local and multinational corporations such as AxaMansard as a chairman, Jaiz Bank, Lafarge Cement Group, Naira Properties, Central Securities Clearing System PLC, Kano Eletricity Distribution Co, Barade Power and Marine Ltd, Jewel Global Services Ltd etc Quoted/Listed. Also Chairman of so many committees at Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers and Securities and Exchange Commission; I strongly believe in sha Allah, if given the chance of Steering the Leadership Position of our State to bright Developments through both local and international investment in Water, Power, Mineral Resources, SMEs, Youth Employments, Financing of Middlemen and other Sectors of the Economy. Allah ya mana jagora Amin.



TAMBAYA: Barka da yamma Ranka yadade:
1. Idan ka zama Gwamna; me kake son kayiwa Al Ummar Jihar Gombe musamman masu karamin karfi?
2. Mene ne yasa kayi imani da cewar kaine mutumin da ya dace da matsayin Gwamnan Jihar Gombe a 2019?
3. Mun san cewa ka kasance a matsayin jagoranci a wurare daban-daban; Menene kadauki jagoranci a gareka?

AMSA: Idan kuma lokacin da na zama Gwamna na Jihar Gombe, zan bada karfi da fifiko wajen ganin Al Ummar Jihar Gombe sun sami yanayi mai kyau wandazaibasu damar gudanar da Ayyuka, Kasuwanci, Sana'ar Hanu cikin kwanciyar Hankali da cigaba mai dorewa. Tare da nuna kulawa ta musamman ga masu karamin karfi, hakazalika zan tabbatar da cewa suna da damar samun horarwa don bunkasa harkokinsu da kuma bunkasa ƙwarewar su, haɓaka don sanya basira da horarwa don yin amfani da kwarewa da tallafi daga gwamnati don tabbatar da amfani da irin waɗannan shirye-shirye da kokarin.

AMSA: Na tabbatar nine nafi cancanta nazamo Gwamnan Jihar Gombe a 2019 sabida inada dama, da sha'awar, da kwarewa da hangen nesa don daukaka Jiharmu ta Gombe zuwa matakin Cigaba. Na kasance a matsayi na jagoranci a cikin Kamfanoni, Masana'antu da kuma Masarautar gargajiya har tsawon shekaru goma. A duk waannan wurare, na inganta da kuma sanya Kungiyoyi da cibiyoyi zuwa sababbin wurare ta hanyar dabarun tunani da kuma lokaci guda mai zurfi da kuma sha'awar yadda ake gudanar dasu. kamar kamfanoni irin Finmal Finance Limited, Cibiyar Cement ce ta Ashaka, Cibiyar Kasuwanci ta Farin Kasuwanci, da sauran kungiyoyi, na bar alamarta ta hanyar samun hangen nesa da kuma dabarun da kuma farawa da kuma ganin ta hanyar shirin da zai iya gane wannan hangen nesa.

AMSA: Irin wannan salon ne na yi wa mazauna jihar Gombe Gwamna. Inada hangen nesa da wani kyakkyawan yanayin da yake da kyau a kan harkokin kasuwancin jama'a na mutanensa don su fito kamar ƙaunar gaskiya na Savannah. Ina da kwarewa, karfin da kuma sha'awar inganta jiharmu mafi kyau ga dukkan jama'arta kuma wannan shine dalilin da ya sa nake neman Gwamna.

AMSA: Don amsa tambayarka a jagoranci, bari in karba kalmomin Warren Bennis wanda ya ce. "Jagoranci shine ikon fassara fassarar ga gaskiya". Ina tsammanin wa] annan kalmomi sun yi mahimmanci, game da jagoranci. Yana da hangen nesa da bambanci daga abin da yake saba, wanda a cikin shugabanci na Najeriya ya zama mummunan aiki. Samun hangen nesa kawai bai isa ba. Dole ne jagora ya iya fassara shi a matsayin gaskiya ta hanyar haɓaka hanyoyi don tabbatar da hangen nesa sannan sa'annan ya sa mutanen su yi imani da wannan hangen nesa da kuma jagorantar su don cimma hakan. Nuna hanyar zuwa mafi alheri da kuma tafiyar da tafiyarwa da nasara shine alamar jagoranci na gaskiya.

AMSA: A ƙarshe a matsayin dan majalisa na Ƙarin Kasuwanci ta Nijeriya da kuma Mataimakin Kwamitin Cibiyar Harkokin Kasuwancin Nijeriya na yanzu, na shiga cikin manufofi da tsare-tsaren samfurori a cikin masu zaman kansu da na Jama'a ta hanyar shiga cikin hangen nesa 2020, kwamiti na shawarwari na shugaban kasa ( PAC) a kan shirin NIRP na Najeriya (NIRP), Cibiyar Harkokin Kasuwanci ta Nijeriya, Tsohon Daraktan Gwamnonin Jihar Gombe da Rinin Samun Kasuwanci, abubuwan da ke tsakanin ƙungiyoyi da manyan kamfanoni irin su AxaMansard a matsayin shugaban, Jaiz Bank, Lafarge Cement Group, Naira Properties, Tsarin Kasuwanci na Karkokin Tsaro na Kamfanin Harkokin Kasuwanci, Gidauniyar Kasa da Kasuwancin Kano, Barade Power and Marine Ltd, Kamfanin Gudanarwa na Duniya na Jewel da sauransu. Har ila yau, Shugaban kwamitocin kwamitocin kwamitocin Stockbrokers da Securities and Exchange Commission; Na yi imani sosai da sha Allah, idan an ba da dama na Jagoranci Matsayin Shugabanci na Gwamnatinmu zuwa Tsarin Kasuwanci ta hanyar zuba jari a cikin gida da na duniya a cikin ruwa, Power, Ma'adanai albarkatu, SSS, Ayyukan matasa, Financement of Middlemen da sauran Sashen tattalin arziki.

Allah yamana Jagoran Amin.


ALHAMDULILLAH Da safiyar jiya Juma'at 07-09-2018 Mai Girma Alh Dr. UMARU Kwairanga (Sarkin Fulanin Gombe) tare da Tawagarshi mukaje ...